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Watershed Municipalities

Watersheds cross municipal boundaries requiring watershed protection and improvement efforts to be coordinated among several jurisdictions.  The following pages provide links to web sites of cites, townships and villages within each of our watersheds.  Here you will find local officials' contact informantion, Master Plans and applicable Zoning Ordinances, and much other useful information pertaining to these local jurisdictions.  We hope you will take the time to explore these web sites and to become involved with local issues and community planning.  You will find that some of our local communities have been quite aggresive in implementing measures to protect water quality in our lakes, streams and wetlands while others are just beginning to recognize the importance of establishing and implementing best management practices.  In all cases, there is room for improvement.  Your involement at the local level can make a profound difference in the rate at which this happens! 


Black River Watershed - 2 counties, 13 townships, 3 cities, 2 villages

Paw Paw River Watershed - 4 counties, 25 townships, 4 villages, 6 cities, 1 tribe

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This page last updated on 1/22/2025.

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