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Watershed Advocacy

paw_paw_river_watershed_sign_300.jpgAdvocating for our rivers and watersheds can be fun and challenging at times. Recreating on the rivers and natural areas with the community is a rewarding way to advocate for the watersheds. Our paddling events and focus on recreation are aimed at bringing people to the river to advocate for these natural areas with the hope that we can bring more people to speak up for them.

Other advocating activities include trying to impact policies to promote low impact developments in our riparian areas, reduce nutrient inputs into our waters, reduce sedimentation a key pollutant in our waterways, and simply communicating the importance our natural areas to the health of our watersheds. 

Public Rights on Michigan Waters

This document is offered as a guide to how water rights came to be and the current state of the law. This information has been compiled for convenience in answering common questions regarding water law in the State of Michigan. This material highlights the evolution of court decisions and legislative enactments dealing with water and related legal issues. The manual discusses the court's role in defining and shaping Michigan water law. The "floating log test," the "recreation-boating test" and other terms pertinent to water law are discussed and defined.


This page last updated on 5/17/2023.

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